Explore some of my past newsletters for great resources, articles, videos, meditations and more!
Finding a moment to reflect to just sit with your thoughts, ideas and slow-down is something, in our current world, that is difficult to do. Why? In this August’s Newsletter find out how to regain the lost art of reflection, find joy in solitude and more!
JULY 2019
How do you manage to maintain the glass-half full attitude when challenges come your way? What behaviors do you possess when you are in a positive state of mind? What helps you to model positive leadership? These are a few of the questions we ponder and explore this month. Plus…check out my new logo!
JUNE 2019
When was the last time you took time out of your day to acknowledge AND celebrate your many accomplishments? Creating some type of ritual to celebrate each success will bring about positive emotions to help you plow through even the roughest of times.
MAY 2019
May brings nature’s abundance into view… the hills burst with every color green you can imagine and are dotted with wildflowers large and small. Life all around is aplenty and plentiful, abundance is expressed outwardly through nature. Inwardly, when I cultivate abundance I overflow with gratitude that, in turn, amps up my soul.
APRIL 2019
This month we explore the power of mindset. Having a positive mindset focused on growth and learning is a key tool in creating abundance, success and joy in your life. Take a look at the newsletter and enjoy a YouTube video on how mindset can transform the human experience and take a quiz on your leadership mindset.
MARCH 2019
It's March and a time for new beginnings and birthing new ideas! What better way to start than with a discussion on values. In this month's newsletter I am focusing on values. Enjoy fun new resources on value based leadership, life compass, and a peaceful walking meditation!
February is here…already?! This month I’m focusing on self-love, self-compassion and leading from the heart. Some days I find myself not acting from a compassionate place with myself. This results in a furrowed brow as well as a good verbal beating. When I am able to be mindful about what I’m saying I can acknowledge the feelings I’m feeling and stop myself from attacking my own imperfections. It’s nice to be nice to yourself!
January 2019
Happy New Year! What will this year bring to you? What do you want to create for yourself, your business, your career, your relationship? Have you created your vision and goals for 2019? We talk about resolutions, goals, and words to live by. What is impactful for you? Is it a list of resolutions? Specific goals? Words that resonate with you?
December 2018
I find it hard to believe that 2018 is almost over. Even so, for me, this time of year is exciting, invigorating and also calming at the same time. The yin and yang of the end of a solar year sparks energy and calm, an opportunity for looking back to look ahead, and, taking stock of and celebrating accomplishments. With this last newsletter of 2018, reflect on what’s been and look forward to what’s to come.
November 2018
Jack Kornfield says, “Gratitude is not dependent on what you have, rather what is in your heart,” which is why this month’s newsletter is all about looking within. I’ve included a new meditation, a great way to bring gratitude to your thanksgiving table, and a special tool I developed to help you manage your inner thoughts and emotions during the upcoming holiday season!
October 2018
Welcome to Focused Path Coaching’s first newsletter ever! Find out more about what’s coming up on the road ahead, get a tasty pumpkin seed recipe and a 5 minute meditation to refocus when you’re feeling stressed!