Good and Plenty, the Year 2020

“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning." ~T.S. Eliot

Happy New Year to you!! I hope that your holiday season was full… full of joy, love, family, friends and good health. Wow a new year and a new decade.

Can I talk about the candy Good and Plenty for a sec? For the past 30+ years my best friend from college and I typically come up with tag lines to prepare us for the new year. We go back and forth, with lots of laughter and finessing to come up with the perfect line to ring in the new year. This one was all her - shout out to you Janine!! We are both big time licorice lovers and, fun fact, we once spent our last pennies on licorice at a gas station driving through Death Valley on our way back from a road trip. So..this year when she sent me her idea I fully embraced it, buying a couple boxes of my favorite childhood candy to share with our New Year’s Day guests. This “ritual” is a fun way to carry a tune into the new year…Good and Plenty in 2020!! I hope it resonates with you too.

What does the New Year mean to you? Do you create resolutions or do you choose a guiding word? Do you have a ritual to guide you into the new year? Have you set goals or made plans for the year? Whatever you do to create a beginning for the new year do so from your own soul. Think about what’s important to you, how you want to be this year, what you want to feel and what your days will be like. I choose the word LIMITLESS to guide me in 2020 and set the tone for this new decade as well. I believe in opportunities and creating them for myself. It’s not always easy and I love the challenge!

New offerings from me to look out for in 2020 include: a half day workshop titled Rethinking Your Thinking; a Transformational Yoga Plus Weekend Retreat packed with yoga, pranayama, meditation, journaling, hiking and re-setting; more Solstice Yoga + Sound Bath Retreats; and, possibly a week long Yoga Plus retreat! Follow me to stay in touch and be the first to hear the dates and locations for each of my offerings.

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What will you do to create your new beginnings for 2020? Share your comments below!

Happy 2020 -may it be good and plenty!

With love and light,

Lisa Fischer